The UNIX Grep command searches files for a user-specified text pattern. It returns a list of the matching words or shows each line of text that contains them. You can broaden the results by using wildcards. Grep also has the ability to count instances of a search phrase that appear in a file. The syntax for this UNIX command includes three parameters, but only the text pattern is required: grep [options] pattern [filename] If it contains multiple words or special characters, be sure to place single quotation marks before and after the pattern. The UNIX shell does not interpret dollar signs, brackets, parentheses, pipes or asterisks in the same way as letters. For example, an asterisk is treated as a wildcard when you don't use quotes. If you leave out the filename, UNIX will collect data from the standard input device. This is usually the keyboard. (1) Basic search with no options The following example shows what happens if you use grep to search for the word "unix...